The Paperback Fanatic #39 coverContents
Fanatical Mails
Artists Assemble: Paul Gulacy & Alfredo Alcala
A Chat With a Cool Cat: Andrew Nette co-editor of Girl Gangs, Biker Boys and Real Cool Cats
A transcript of James Doig’s presentation on “Australian Pulp Fiction”
Paul Bishop “Steve Holland—The Face of a Hero”
Nigel Taylor “Portrait of a Slapdash Perfectionist”
Tom Tesarek “Would You Like Some Humor with Your Horror?”
Peter Enfantino “His Life Turned Into a Screaming Nightmare” or “A Comprehensive Look at ‘The Frankenstein Horror’ Series”
“Steve Holland is The Avenger” gallery images from Bill Thom, introduction by Justin Marriott

The Paperback Fanatic #39 back cover100 pages, 6” x 9” full color $14.99 POD
Editor/Publisher: Justin Marriott
Assistant Editor: Jim O’Brien
Proofing: Tom Tesarek
The Paperback Fanatic website

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