The Digest Enthusiast No. 7 pages 100 and 101

Joe Wehrle, Jr. wrote two Christmas stories that I know of: “A Christmas Romance” and “Christmas Spirit in a Speakeasy.” The latter featuring Cauliflower Catnip. Joe first shared “Romance” with me in Autumn 2016, but we wanted it to see print before Christmas, and The Digest Enthusiast No. 5 was already scheduled for January. So the following year, we made it a point to get issue No. 7 out early, and on December 6, 2017 the story finally saw print. Joe created two new illustrations for it, one to open the story and one to close.

Here’s the opening line:

“The ship stood on its knobby support legs, casting bizarre shadows across the snow which drifted round the shattered planetoid base.”

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