Bare Bones No. 3

This issue delivered an enjoyable mix of pop culture fervor. Matthrew W. Bradley’ delves into Bradbury’s Elliott Family, while Don D’Ammassa tackles a basket full of overlooked vampire novels. The cover story by W.D. Gagliani offers a definitive examination of the original Planet of the Apes film series and their paperbacked companion novels. It’s supplemented nicely by Craig Miller’s eye-witness report on the filming of supporting footage for Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and b•b’s co-editor John Scoleri’s summary of scenes scripted but cut from the final films.

That other b•b co-editor Peter Enfantino Digs into Crime Digests singling out a particularly star-studded issue of Manhunt (Aug. 1956) and Mike Shayne (Aug. 1965), while S. Craig Zahler braves Sleaze Alley to unearth a few brazen treasures worth reading about, if not actually reading the books themselves. J. Charles Burwell’s fond review of a trio of novels by H.A. DeRosso is both insightful and captivating. Jack Seabrook interviews supercollector Walker Martin, a conversation loaded with candor and exuberance. And to wrap-up the issue, David J. Schow recounts personal anecdotes about early monster movies and scary stuff with his usual glib aplomb.

If you haven’t yet caught bare•bones fever, this edition is an excellent jumping-on point.

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