
William Brittain


William Brittain’s The Man Who Read EQ

EQMM Dec. 1965 coverFrom the Potpourri section of The Misadventures of Ellery Queen anthology edited by Josh Pachter and Dale C. Andrews.

Ancient Arthur Mindy is “The Man Who Read Ellery Queen” in William Brittain’s fictional world of the Goodwell Senior Citizen Home, first printed in EQMM in Dec. 1965. Mindy’s prize possession is a complete set of books by Queen, and at the top of his bucket list is the chance to solve a mystery in the manner of the great detective. He sees his opportunity when the prize possession of another senior suddenly goes missing. It’s schmaltzy, but somehow Brittain keeps a low-key mystery vibrant and a feel-good ending, feeling good.

EQMM base image from Galactic Central.

This review continues on April 26 . . .