
Bold Venture


Pulp Adventures #28 Winter 2018

Pulp Adventures #28 coverContents
Audrey Parente: Pulp-itorial: The Old and the New
Charles Boeckman “Murder, Maestro, Please! (Famous Detective Stories Oct. 1954)
Michael Bracken “My Stripper Past”
Geoffrey North “Killer Wanted—First Class” (Private Detective Stories Feb. 1946)
David Bernard “The Doom that Came to Al Capone”
John E. Petty “The Weirdly True Tale of Benny the Beezer”
Dan McCarthy “Janeck’s Death”
C.J. Henderson “Woolworth’s . . . For All Your Defensive Needs” art by Norman Baer (Thrilling Detective Fall.Winter 2002/2003)
Stephen Payne “The Word Wranglers” art by Everett Raymond Kinstler (West Mar. 1949)
Audrey Parente: David Wright O’Brien (profile)
Pulp Adventures #28 back coverMeet the Authors: David Wright O’Brien (Amazing Stories Nov. 1940)
John York Cabot “The Fantastic Twins” (Fantastic Adventures Mar. 1942)
Duncan Farnsworth “Afraid to Live” (Fantastic Adventures Mar. 1942)
Johnny Strike “Monkey Men”
Rich Harvey: Anatomy of a Cover

Pulp Adventures #28 Winter 2018
Publisher: Rich Harvey
Editor: Audrey Parente
Cover: Norman Saunders
128 pages, $12.95, next issue May 2018
Bold Venture Press