The Digest Enthusiast #8 coverFull-page, half-page and classified advertising is now available in The Digest Enthusiast (TDE). With book nine, we’re expanding the page count by up to eight pages to accommodate up to eight pages of advertising per issue, without reducing the number of content pages. Ad space is limited, so act promptly. Ad placement is on a first-paid, first-served basis. Our readers are primarily collectors and readers of genre fiction magazines, so TDE is a great place for publishers and booksellers to advertise.

Ads will appear in all editions: Print, Kindle, and Magzter. Specifications and dimensions for Display Ads are shown in a downloadable PDF file.

Display Ad Rates
$25 full page
$15 half page

Classified Ad Rates

50¢ per word, 10-word minimum.

Send Ad Files and Classified Ad copy to The Digest Enthusiast. 
We’ll provide placement confirmation and payment addresses for mail or PayPal upon receipt. Display advertisers will also receive a link on the Larque Press website for the six months their issue of TDE is current.


Ad deadline for January issues is November of the preceding year.
Ad deadline for June issues is April of the same year.

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