Robots in American Popular Culture

Steve Carper takes a comprehensive look at Robots in American Popular Culture in his new book from McFarland.

“They are the invincible warriors of steel, silky-skinned enticers, stealers of jobs and lovable sidekicks. Legions of robots and androids star in the dream factories of Hollywood and leer on pulp magazine covers, instantly recognizable icons of American popular culture.

“This book examines society’s introduction to robots and androids such as Robby and Rosie, Elektro and Sparko, Data, WALL-E, C-3PO and the Terminator, particularly before and after World War II when the power of technology exploded. Learn how robots evolved with the times and then eventually caught up with and surpassed them.”

Steve Carper is a regular contributor to The Digest Enthusiast and author of an ongoing column about robots on

Robots in American Popular Culture can be purchased directly from McFarland and select bookstores. Be sure to visit Steve’s companion site for the book:

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