The first volume of this captivating series introduced Jack Laramie, who travels the great western byways in search of cash-flush clients in need of a private detection. His mobile office is a horse trailer hauled behind a worn, but still running DeSoto classic.
Volume One left me a with a waity case of Laramie fever, with the only known cure being Volume Two. Well, round two did not disappoint, meeting and exceeding every unreasonable expectation I brought to its pages.
Featuring four engaging novellas by Laramie’s crack scribes—every one a gem—this extra thick volume collects the balance of Jack Laramie’s case files. Over 300 pages of pure PI pleasure with a western/noir twang. Could be a long wait for the next one, but if I live long enough to see it, save me a place at the front of the queue.
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