
The Other Woman


Black Gat 60: The Other Woman by Charles BurgessNeil Cowan is a happily married indie real estate broker and father of a five-year-old daughter. Emmaline Royal is the wife of one of the biggest operators on the western coast of Florida. She’s also the most beautiful woman Cowan has ever laid eyes on. When they meet over a real estate deal with her husband, she’s as stricken by Cowan as he is of her. Infidelity ensues.

Burgess delivers a riveting murder mystery that’s only waylaid for the novel’s three shag scenes. Great cast of flawed characters that includes a (refreshingly) competent police force whose number one murder suspect is Neil Cowan. Of course, Cowan lies and withholds evidence during their investigation, yet his actions seem reasonably rational, not simply convenient to the plot. A 5-star read, highly recommended, especially for fans of 1960s crime books.