
James H. Schmitz


Telzey’s Goblin Night

Analog April 1965

Excerpt from Joe Wehrle, Jr.’s article on “The Telzey Amberdon Stories of James H. Schmitz” in The Digest Enthusiast No. 7:

Goblin Night (Analog April 1965). On a camping trip with eleven other college students and her friend’s huge dog, Telzey receives a mental image of a person running, terrified, from a relentless pursuer. Tracking the source, she is led into a trap where she is the one pursued by the frightening creature called “the spook.” At the end of her resources, Telzey mentally summons Chomir for help. This suspenseful story has to be one of the series’ highlights. Reprinted as the first part of The Lion Game (DAW #38 1973, British hardcover from Sidgwick and Jackson, 1976).

Telzey Amberdon

Jamese H. Schmitz portrait by Joe Wehrle, Jr.
James H. Schmitz by Joe Wehrle, Jr.

Excerpt from Joe Wehrle, Jr.’s article on “The Telzey Amberdon Stories of James H. Schmitz” in The Digest Enthusiast No. 7:

Undercurrents (Analog May and June 1964). Gonwil, Telzey’s best college friend, is being victimized by her guardians, in hopes of securing the financial holdings she is to inherit. Wellan Dasinger of the Kyth Agency works with Telzey’s psionic abilities to solve the problem, and we meet Chomir, Gonwil’s mighty guardian dog. Reprinted in The Universe Against Her. Ace, 1964.

Telzey Amberdon

Telzey Amberdon and Tick-tock by Joe Wehrle, Jr.Excerpt from Joe Wehrle, Jr.’s article on “The Telzey Amberdon Stories of James H. Schmitz” in The Digest Enthusiast No. 7:

James H. Schmitz wrote a number of stories about a future world where many things are possible, and particularly, over a period of ten years wrote a series concerning one Telzey Amberdon, an emerging telepath, “fifteen years old, genius level, brown as a berry and not at all bad looking in her sunbriefs.”

Jim Schmitz was born October 15, 1911, and lived until April 18, 1981. You may not be too familiar with his work as he wasn’t as prolific as many of his contemporaries, but he wrote dozens of exceptional stories and a handful of memorable novels.